Monday, October 5, 2009

4 Exams and a Paper due!!! Yikes!!!

こんしゅう、I have so many tests to take. こんしゅう、わたしはまいにちべんきょうします。ごごはちじからにちじまでべんきょうします。I hope I do well.
八(^□^*) タノム!!

わたしは にほんごのこうさおわりました.そしてわたしわけみすとりのこうさおわりまして。

あした、I have my Physics Exam. I have to study a lot!!!

1 comment:

Acopian said...



I'm really sorry about your brutal schedule. Hang in there...

Thank you for your (much too) kind compliment on my photos. However, the photo's that you had referred to (which I figure you realize, but just in case)were not my own artistry, I merely took a photo of the photo...

Haha, I'm sure there was no reason to mention that... I'm a nut.
