Wednesday, September 30, 2009

So much work!!

きょうごご銃にじにねます。ごぜんさんじにおきます。I'm really tired, but I must finish my homework。午後十に半から午後にじはんまでにはたからにます。Then I have classes till 7. I really do not like すいようび。


Acopian said...

It was nice to have your company in class (after everyone else had finished their exams).


It was difficult wasn't it.

Well, I thought it was.

I know that I messed up the そのかばんも shitsumon (question) in the last section of the exam. Darn...


Stephen said...


Jenee said...

ありがとございます! I agree. Kanji is very difficult. I really do not know many.
The exam, wasn't that bad, but I also messed up on that last part! I forgot how to say "Is that so? Please, give it to me".
(*´ο`*)=3 はふぅん